$(document).ready(function() { // here we will write a function when link click under class popup $('a.popup').click(function() { // here we will describe a variable popupid which gets the // rel attribute from the clicked link var popupid = $(this).attr('rel'); // now we need to popup the marked which belongs to the rel attribute // suppose the rel attribute of click link is popuprel then here in below code // #popuprel will fadein $('#' + popupid).fadein(); // append div with id fade into the bottom of body tag // and we allready styled it in our step 2 : css $('body').append('
'); $('#fade').css({'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)'}).fadein(); // now here we need to have our popup box in center of // webpage when its fadein. so we add 10px to height and width var popuptopmargin = ($('#' + popupid).height() + 10) / 2; var popupleftmargin = ($('#' + popupid).width() + 10) / 2; // then using .css function style our popup box for center allignment $('#' + popupid).css({ 'margin-top' : -popuptopmargin, 'margin-left' : -popupleftmargin }); }); // now define one more function which is used to fadeout the // fade layer and popup window as soon as we click on fade layer $('#fade').click(function() { // add markup ids of all custom popup box here $('#fade , #popuprel , #popuprel2 , #popuprel3').fadeout() return false; }); });